May 17, 2010

Introduction and Topics (and a secret.. shh)

My name is Marshall H. Goodman and run a marketing agency specializing in basic Search Engine Optimization and basic and advanced Social Media Marketing campaigns.

There are two important initiatives in a company’s internet marketing campaign. Search engine optimization (SEO) to improve Google organic search results and Social Media Marketing Initiatives (SMM) to increase website traffic. These internet marketing initiatives are intended to improve your company website’s ranking on the Google search results pages and to expose your company’s website as a product destination in Social Media circles.

In this blog I intend to discuss scenarios that are relevant to today's marketing environment. I am considering some of the following topics:

  • What do I need to do to optimize my website to improve its position on Google's Search Engine Result Page (SERP)?

  • I am not using Social Media yet. Why is using Social Media to market my product or service so important?

  • Why do I need to take care in choosing my keywords?

  • Do I need to know about geo-targeting my keywords?

  • Is the Page Rank of a website that links to mine important?

  • Where is all this new traffic going to come from and how do I know?

  • My Social Media marketing campaign is giving me lots of traffic. Now what?

  • Why is a 6 month Social Media marketing campaign an investment and not an expense?

Oh yes, the secret. At first there were keywords, then there were back-links. Now its your internet reputation, and the care and feeding of it, that is the most important element in a sucessful internet marketing campaign.
Marshall H. Goodman, Consultant
Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing
Phone: (905) 764-3731